Run Jungochain RPC node

Hardware Requirements

System Requirements
RAM~286 MiB
ArchitecturesLinux x86_64: Linux kernel 2.6.32+ glibc 2.11+
MacOS x86_64: MacOS 10.7+ (Lion+)
Network Requirements
Access to the public internet
Jungochain runs on ipv4
Port 9944Websocket. This port is used by jungo-sdk and jungo-cli.It only accepts connections from localhost.Make sure this port is firewalled off from the public domain unless you wanted to run a RPC node.
Port 9939RPC. This port is opened, but not used.
Port 30333p2p socket. This port accepts connections from other jungochain nodes.Make sure your firewall(s) allow incoming traffic to this port.
  • It is assumed your default outgoing traffic policy is ACCEPT. If not, make sure outbound traffic to port 30333 is allowed.

The easiest way to run a node is via docker:

Run via Docker

Login to

  • Generate a PAT:
  • Login to
echo "<your_personal_access_token>" | docker login -u <your_github_username> --password-stdin

Pull docker image:

docker pull

Run image

Simply run:

. ./scripts/bootstrap/

It will not expose RPC to external request by default, you need to pass --rpc for that. Also there are other options:

. ./scripts/bootstrap/ \
  --name myNodeName \
  --telemetry-url "wss:// 0" \
  --rpc \
# --name <NAME>           # (optional) show your node name in telemetry
# --telemetry-url <ADDR>  # (optional) telemetry address
# --rpc                   # (optional) expose rpc to external requests
# --archive               # (optional) if you want to run archive node (it needs about 1.5 TB storage)

Note: chain data would be store on "$HOME/.jungochain/" directory

Ensure running image

Check running container:

docker ps

It should show something like:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                     COMMAND  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
ae61c5ea3863   ...      13 seconds ago   Up 12 seconds             angry_perlma

Check the logs (use your container id instead of ae61c5ea3863):

docker logs ae61c5ea3863

You should see a line like:

🔍 Discovered new external address for our node: ...

You can stop the service whenever you want with:

docker stop <CONTAINER_ID>

If you are looking for building from source code, see here